Nike Self-Lacing Basketball Shoes Nike Adapt BB 2.0 "Tie Dye" Item: BQ5397-100

Nike Self-Lacing Basketball Shoes Nike Adapt BB 2.0 "Tie Dye" Item: BQ5397-100

今年 Nike 自动系带篮球鞋 Adapt BB 迎来 2.0 版本登场,继首发配色之后有一双全新扎染风格将在明天发售。

鞋身以白色为主调,内层鞋面加入大面积的彩虹扎染图案提升辨识,搭配冰蓝色水晶外底及 TPU 包覆相当清爽。

配置方面,2.0 版本首次加入前掌 Zoom Air 气垫,缓震性能大幅提升,搭配中底外侧与鞋底气垫部分的分区扎染,无论球场实战还是日常穿着,都有着不俗的颜值表现!

Nike Adapt BB 2.0 “Tie Dye”
发售日期:4 月 18 日
发售价格:2799 RMB

Nike Self-Lacing Basketball Shoes Nike Adapt BB 2.0 "Tie Dye" Item: BQ5397-100

Nike Self-Lacing Basketball Shoes Nike Adapt BB 2.0 "Tie Dye" Item: BQ5397-100

Nike Self-Lacing Basketball Shoes Nike Adapt BB 2.0 "Tie Dye" Item: BQ5397-100

Nike Self-Lacing Basketball Shoes Nike Adapt BB 2.0 "Tie Dye" Item: BQ5397-100

Nike Self-Lacing Basketball Shoes Nike Adapt BB 2.0 "Tie Dye" Item: BQ5397-100

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Nike Self-Lacing Basketball Shoes Nike Adapt BB 2.0 "Tie Dye" Item: BQ5397-100