Nike Blazer Mid '77 "Label Maker" Item No. DC5203-100
Although Nike's retro shoes are constantly being released, they always play with new maneuvers to keep everyone still fresh. In the second half of this year, Nike focused on Blazer shoes ...
Although Nike's retro shoes are constantly being released, they always play with new maneuvers to keep everyone still fresh. In the second half of this year, Nike focused on Blazer shoes ...
Recently, Nike teased the release of a retro sneaker, the new Nike Blazer Trailblazer. The body of the shoe is made of white leather, while the toe section is made of gray ...
Recently, it is obvious that Nike has focused on Blazer shoes in the second half of the year, whether it is the richness of the color scheme or the layering of the texture modeling, there are a lot of fresh ...
As an undisputed brand in the sneaker world, Nike has always been at the forefront of sneaker design innovation. Especially in the past two years, the Nike D/MS/X series was born, which is a breakthrough from the traditional ...
Nike Blazer Mid 全新亮眼配色,鞋面以麂皮材质打造,采用大面积多元色彩拼接设计,将多种色调完美结合在一起,外观颜 ...
耐克经典鞋款 Nike Blazer Mid 全新大红配色,鞋面采用红色麂皮材质覆盖,质感十足。搭配侧面银色 Swoosh,后跟采用了 ...
Nike Blazer Mid 新品,纯白鞋身辅以亮黄色勾勒 Swoosh 及后跟文字,鞋舌呈现的镭射质感 Logo 营造出幻彩的视觉表现。 ...
Nike's longest-running basketball shoe, the Nike Blazer Mid, comes in a new black and white colorway, featuring a simple white body with a black Swoosh, side and toe tumbled leather ...
The Nike Plant Color Series Special Edition Blazer low is dyed with more environmentally friendly natural plant dyes instead of other methods. Available in two colorways, the Ivory ...
潮人必备的 Nike Blazer Mid SB 全新配色,粉红鞋身,牛巴革鞋面,白色中底,上脚醒目又百搭。官方已发售,可搜索货号 ...
Nike SB Zoom Blazer Low 沙漠迷彩配色,织物鞋面搭配黑色皮革设计。近期正式发售,发售价格为 $75 美元。 Nike SB Zoo ...
帆布鞋面 Nike SB Blazer Low“Procell”,以淡黄色为主体,细节之处辅以白色点缀,鞋边采用白色涂漆,鞋垫上 “New York ...
Nike Blazer Rebel Mid 女生专属鞋款,全新配色采用粉色帆布鞋面,鞋内外两侧 Swoosh Logo 采用解构设计,分别为黑、白 ...
倒钩设计的 Slam Jam x Nike Blazer Mid “Class 1977” 黑、白和浅灰简约主题,鞋面内侧的 Swoosh 采用倒置设计。 Slam ...
全新鞋款 Nike Blazer Mid 77 Vintage “Pacific Blue”,采用白色的皮革鞋面,灰色绒面覆盖鞋头和侧面以及盐白色鞋舌。 ...
Nike Blazer Low LE 运动鞋从经典篮球鞋款汲取设计灵感,采用优质翻毛皮结合低帮鞋口设计,塑就非凡舒适的穿着体验。 ...
街头品牌 Stüssy 和 Nike Blazer 联名鞋款低帮版本,鞋面由长绒毛的翻毛皮打造,以墨绿色为主色搭配浅绿 Swoosh Logo ...
Nike's Blazer Mid Rebel shoe, created specifically for girls, has been designed with a lot of care, with a lacing system that gradually offsets to the side of the shoe in a "twist" from the bottom up, ...
The Nike Blazer Royal "Triple White" upper features the same patchwork design as this year's Halloween Egg colorway. Although presented in pure white, the use of smooth leather, ...
Nike 经典鞋型 Blazer Mid 以洛杉矶湖人对阵纽约尼克斯为主题配色,鞋面有黑色麂皮打造,搭配白色的 Swoosh Logo,造型 ...
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