In addition to the $10,000 Chicago, these AJ's are taking off with them as well

In addition to the $10,000 Chicago, these AJ's are taking off with them as well

In addition to the $10,000 Chicago, these AJ's are taking off with them as well

Air Jordan 系列中,「元年配色」往往被视最经典、最正统的配色。


前些天,小编寻找素材(摸鱼)时,发现 2015 年复刻的「芝加哥」Air Jordan 1 市价已经破万。

很多人都在说「元年 AJ 就是过时,复刻也没人买」,想必看到价格后肠子都悔青了 ...

今天为大家盘点下,近些年复刻的元年 AJ,现在价格都怎么样了,还有哪些现在入手比较划算!

Team 2(≤ 2000)

白红 Air Jordan 4 
市场价格:¥1800 元(42.5 码)

In addition to the $10,000 Chicago, these AJ's are taking off with them as well

白红作为 Jordan Brand 阵营中最为拿手的配色之一,这双 Air Jordan 4 上次复刻还是在 2012 年。

全皮革鞋身搭配上亮眼的红色细节,营造夺目的芝加哥气氛,市场价格目前维持在了 ¥1800 元左右(42.5 码)。


In addition to the $10,000 Chicago, these AJ's are taking off with them as well

流川枫 Air Jordan 5 
市场价格:¥1800 元(42.5 码)

In addition to the $10,000 Chicago, these AJ's are taking off with them as well

这双「流川枫」Air Jordan 5 不仅是乔丹征战赛场的元年配色,更是许多球鞋玩家的青春记忆。

纯白色的鞋身本就十分百搭,再加上 Air Jordan 5 帅气硬朗的外观,能让你轻松驾驭各种风格的穿搭。

市价 目前维持在¥1800 元左右(42.5 码)。

In addition to the $10,000 Chicago, these AJ's are taking off with them as well

黑红 Air Jordan 6
市场价格:¥1700 元(42.5 码)

In addition to the $10,000 Chicago, these AJ's are taking off with them as well


随后哪怕进行了补货,目前还是高于原价,稳定在了 ¥1700 元左右(42.5 码)。

In addition to the $10,000 Chicago, these AJ's are taking off with them as well

黑红 Air Jordan 11
市场价格:¥1900 元(42.5 码)

In addition to the $10,000 Chicago, these AJ's are taking off with them as well

Air Jordan 11 曾经凭借着销量 100 万双,荣登 Nike 史上最畅销的运动鞋。


这样一双人见人爱的 Air Jordan 11 目前市场价格维持在 ¥1900 元左右,相比复刻前动辄 3、4 千甚至更贵的入手门槛,亲民太多。

In addition to the $10,000 Chicago, these AJ's are taking off with them as well

Team 1(≤ 4000)

影子灰 Air Jordan 1 
Item No.: 555088-013
市场价格:¥3500 元(42.5 码)

In addition to the $10,000 Chicago, these AJ's are taking off with them as well

Air Jordan 1 “Shadow”一经登场就被冠以了「渣渣灰」的倒闭外号,不被大家看好,但如今看来已经不适用。

毕竟 ¥3500 元左右(42.5 码)的市价,已经碾压了大批鞋款。


In addition to the $10,000 Chicago, these AJ's are taking off with them as well

黑水泥 Air Jordan 3 
市场价格:¥2600 元(42.5 码)

In addition to the $10,000 Chicago, these AJ's are taking off with them as well

Air Jordan 3 黑水泥绝对是一款极具代表性的元年配色,上次复刻初期因为货量巨大,甚至被摆上了货架,部分尺码有一时间都低于原价。


如今价格相比初期已经翻倍,42.5 码更是直逼 3000 元。

In addition to the $10,000 Chicago, these AJ's are taking off with them as well

黑红 Air Jordan 4 
市场价格:¥2500 元(42.5 码)

In addition to the $10,000 Chicago, these AJ's are taking off with them as well

黑红 Air Jordan 4 凭借着超高颜值,一经登场就受到了无数球鞋玩家的青睐,市价长时间稳定在 2000 元左右。

而在今年冬季由于不少明星开始上脚带货,这双鞋开始一路走高,目前已经稳定在 2500 元左右(42.5 码)。


In addition to the $10,000 Chicago, these AJ's are taking off with them as well

Air Jordan 11 “Concord”
市场价格:¥2900 元(42.5 码)

In addition to the $10,000 Chicago, these AJ's are taking off with them as well

2018 年登场的 Air Jordan 11 “Concord” ,最值得一提的当属后跟的 45 字样。

毕竟当年后跟标有 45 号码的 Air Jordan 11 “Concord” 除了乔丹亲自上脚的那双,就只剩下极为罕见的 Sample 版本。

目前市价偏高已经接近 ¥3000 元(42.5 码),喜欢的朋友也要酌情决定是否入手。

In addition to the $10,000 Chicago, these AJ's are taking off with them as well

病倒 Air Jordan 12 
市场价格:¥3900 元(42.5 码)

In addition to the $10,000 Chicago, these AJ's are taking off with them as well

Air Jordan 12 “Flu Game” 也被鞋圈称之为「病倒」,这个名字是因为 1997 年的 NBA 总决赛,乔丹由于食物中毒,在几乎虚脱的状况下带病上阵,并帮助球队取得赛点因此得名。


目前市场价格维持在 ¥3900 元左右(42.5 码),相比其他 Air Jordan 12 鞋款价格直接碾压。

In addition to the $10,000 Chicago, these AJ's are taking off with them as well

熊猫 Air Jordan 13
市场价格:¥2800 元(42.5 码)

In addition to the $10,000 Chicago, these AJ's are taking off with them as well

说到 Air Jordan 13 不得不提的当然是 Air Jordan 13 “He Got Game”,也就是那双被称之为熊猫的 Air Jordan 13。


In addition to the $10,000 Chicago, these AJ's are taking off with them as well

Team 0(≥ 5000)

禁穿 Air Jordan 1 
市场价格:¥5800 元(42.5 码)

In addition to the $10,000 Chicago, these AJ's are taking off with them as well

Air Jordan 1 禁穿在球鞋圈的地位可以简直可以称之为鼻祖,虽然只是 Nike 为营销的噱头,但不得不承认,无论是颜值还是规格绝对都是顶级的存在。

2015 年复刻的 Air Jordan 1 禁穿,全鞋采用荔枝纹皮革打造,但一大弊端就是鞋头处非常容易出现折痕,老鞋狗表示有点心疼...

目前市场价维持在 ¥5800 元左右(42.5 码)价格确实偏高,喜欢的朋友们可以期待一下年底的漆皮版本!

In addition to the $10,000 Chicago, these AJ's are taking off with them as well

黑脚趾 Air Jordan 1
市场价格:¥5800 元(42.5 码)

In addition to the $10,000 Chicago, these AJ's are taking off with them as well

作为诞生于 1985 年首发配色成员之一黑脚趾 Air Jordan 1,热度方面从来不需要担心。

在前些年复刻时几乎是可以和天价神鞋 Travis Scott x Air Jordan 1 平起平坐。

黑红造型的鞋身,将自带的 OG 气质完美展现,但目前售价维持在 ¥5800 元左右,非常夸张,但小编相信喜欢的朋友已经趁着抄底入手了。

In addition to the $10,000 Chicago, these AJ's are taking off with them as well

芝加哥 Air Jordan 1 
市场价格:¥12000 元(42.5 码)

In addition to the $10,000 Chicago, these AJ's are taking off with them as well

芝加哥配色 AJ1 绝对是 Jordan Brand 阵营中最受欢迎的配色之一,现在市价 4w 的 OW 联名也是以它为基础搭打造。

不过复刻时间已经很久,市价高达 ¥12000 元左右(42.5 码)。

回想多年前只要 ¥3000 元左右就可以入手,现在却翻了 4 倍左右。

In addition to the $10,000 Chicago, these AJ's are taking off with them as well

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In addition to the $10,000 Chicago, these AJ's are taking off with them as well